Advertising and marketing your painting business
Local Newspaper Adverts
Local newspapers can run adds for as little as $150, another great way to get good value out of the local papers is to insert a simple flyer. Rates for the newspaper to insert your flyer can start from as little as $75 for 1,000 flyers to be inserted and delivered.
Mail box flyer drops
Join up to an existing website promoting tradespeople. These websites either find customers for you by collating sales leads and then distributing these out to all the available trades people within an area. This can be a good way to generate sales leads.
Create a simple Website
There are various websites out there that specialize in marketing and promoting your business as a tradesperson. Simply searching under trade websites in Google gives some good results for companies that can easily assist you in developing your own website.
Otherwise known as “Testimonials” or word-of-mouth marketing, happy customers can often be your best advertising and best of all it’s free! Give each happy customer three of your business cards to give out to their friends. Customers usually believe another customer over someone trying to sell them something.
Vehicle signage
Having smart looking advertising on the side of your vehicle can be a great way to attract new business. Instead of a simple line of text and logo on a car door go for something memorable that’ll really get people talking about your business.
Register your business with Google for FREE. When customers try to find your name on Google it’ll be quicker and easier if it’s registered with Google.
Cross Marketing
Why not get together with other Tradespeople to help each other promote their business? You can easily give some flyers or business cards to the local plumber or electrician to keep if anyone is looking for a good painter. Don’t forget you can also do the same in reverse for other trades people too.